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Our Superfine Merino

World Ranking Quality Grown In The UK

Our Superfine Merino: Products
One of our stud sires in Australia

What is Superfine Merino?

The Merino sheep is a diverse animal found all over the world in many different countries and climates. It is defined solely by its wool. The finest Merino wools are Super and Ultrafine - measuring less than 18.5 and 16.5 micron respectively. Our wool sits at the lower end of Superfine and much of it grades as Ultrafine. Regular testing is carried out to international standards to make sure we stay on track and our wool and sheep are classed regularly by Australian professionals.

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Are our sheep British Merinos?

Tellenby Merinos are Australian, born in the UK from imported genetics. We have spent many years sourcing the right animals from the right parts of Australia to give us exactly what we need. The genetics already available in the UK were out of date and not good enough to give us the very high quality wool we wished to produce on a commercial scale. Our aim is to produce the best Superfine Merino in the world - the fact that it's grown in the UK is incidental!

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The wool

We shear approximately every 8 months depending a little on factors like lambing and age of sheep. If it's winter then the sheep are housed to keep them warm. They are bedded on deep fresh straw and fed extremely well!  Welfare at shearing is a priority for us and our shearers take time and the greatest care not to stress the sheep in any way.  The wool is currently sold direct to a retailer and processed mainly in the UK.

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How, Where and Why?

By working with Australian colleagues and organisations we have sourced the right genetics to produce a superb animal that thrives here in the UK and produces top quality Superfine wool for our customers.
The technicalities are considerable. 14 years into the work, we are still learning. The development of these sheep has required a deep understanding of the commercial attributes of Merino wool and the constraints and opportunities in the European market.
Of course, the way we farm sheep in Europe is different from the way they are farmed in Australia.  We have learned what Merinos want and need and have been surprised at how easily they fit into our UK system.  Our Australian colleagues are NOT surprised. They know just how adaptable this amazing sheep is.

3 week old ram lamb

New Genetics

Each new crop of lambs here is months, sometimes years in the planning. Every generation is built upon the best of the previous. Birth weights, growth rates,  coat structure are just some of the things we look for in our new lambs. And each ewe is graded for mothering ability.  It's an exciting time. We plan and chose but ultimately, what we have on the ground is the gift of Nature and we must always respect that.

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